improve farmers productivity and income

Take 24X7 Control of your Cows

Monitor every cow on your dairy farm 24/7 with ConnectedCow solution. With our solution, you get unmatched accuracy to detect heat cycle and diseases of cows in real time. Our comprehensive platform also allows to you raise your income and productivity through features like feed management, milk yield and overall farm management.

how it works

Enhancing Cow Productivity

ConnectedCow is a comprehensive IOT based solution built on LoRaWAN technology and is powered by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.  

Real time 24X7 Monitoring

Maximize Profits by monitoring Cows with impressive accuracy.

Farm Management

Collar Devices

Our IOT Collar devices are based on LoRaWAN technology with more than 5-7 years of battery life. They fit perfectly on Cow's neck and transmit activity and rumination data very accurately.

LoRaWAN Gateway

Our LoRaWAN Outdoor Gateway has a range of more than 8-10 Kms and can connect upto 2000 sensors in at one time. This means that one gateway can cover all the cows in multiple villages.

AI/ML Platform

Our Platform receives and aggregates data in real time. It then runs sophisticated AI/ML algorithms to make very accurate predictions about heat cycle and early disease warnings.

Cow Monitoring 

ConnectedCow platform helps you monitor upto 2000 cows with a single LoRaWAN gateway which could encompass really large farms or multiple villages. The platform is comprehensive which also allows you to track, measure and monitor other aspects of farm management like milk yield, feed management. 

Health Monitoring 

Our devices capture complex behavioral data of the cow like body temperature, ambient temperature, feeding, rumination, resting behavior and physical activity. Our complex models and algorithms then uses this data to very accurately provide early warnings and signals around important diseases like mastitis, FMD, LSD and others. 

Heat Detection

With our solution is able to provide unmatched heat detection accuracy for cross breeds and also for indigenous cows like Gir and Sahiwal. We send timely heat cycle alerts to the dairy owners and AI technicians for performing the artificial insemination process at the exact time.


Never miss a Heat again

ConnectedCow is a solution that very accurately tells you when your cow  enters heat. It accurately tells you the perfect time to perform Artificial Insemination so that the chances of pregnency are improved significantly.  It also provides early warnings and signals for diseases like Mastitis, FMD and LSD. 

Get results

Fully Integrated with other Cattle Systems

Our ConnectedCow platform provides easy and seamless access to other cattle management systems. 

Ready to Start?

Please get in touch with us to understand all the  benefits and possibilities of using ConnectedCow. We will provide you a comprehensive demo show you how easy to use our system is and how you can use it to monitor your dairy farm.